Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jimmy Choo for H&M

Remember how I told you that I'm a sucker for those H&M collaborations?  I made a fool out of myself (fortunately nobody I know saw me) making a line for hours with my stomach growling to get these cute clutches! Hey they're worth the humiliation!


  1. Beautiful and original!!!! Does the pink one come in other colors???

  2. No it didn't, and it's over...sold out... ;)

  3. I really wanted to at least try on this pair of electric blue, strappy heels. Anyone know which ones I'm talking about? Aren't they gorgeous??

  4. They were really cute but f it helps, people who were trying them on said they were really uncomfortable

  5. Oh, thanks. Haha...well yes, they didn't look too comfortable. But still, quite pretty. :)


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